Professor Nenad Marovac

San Diego Sate University


Professional Interests:

v    Software Engineering: development process, methodologies, cost estimation and modeling (OMT, Rational Unified Process, Rational Rose, UML), component based software architecture

v    Web Technology: architecture of web based applications, hypermedia systems, e-commerce, setting and maintenance of web sites, electronic publishing and printing technology

v    Distributed systems: computer networks and protocols

v    Computer graphics: image formats and image processing


UNIX, X-windows, Motif and TCP/IP, HTML, Javascript, XML, CGI, JAVA, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, PERL, C++, FORTRAN.



v    Ph. D. in Computer Science, Imperial College, London University, England.




Awards and Recognitions:

v    Recipient of Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise award from SDSU President.

v    Member of the Technical Advisory Board - Digital Networks.

v    Operational Research Center, St Gallen, Switzerland, Associate researcher in the development of The World Wide Crisis Management System, 1999.

v    Invited to coordinate an IEEE group for developing a standard for reuse of code.

v    Foreign Expert in multimedia and computer graphics, University of Hongzhou, China, 1996.

v    Guest Expert in Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Austria and Croatia, 1997.

v    Associate scientist of Germany’s Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Ulm, Germany, 1992.

v    Research Fellowship from the Ministry of Research and Technology of France, March-May 1990.

v    Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal for Mini and Micro Computers

v    Organized and conducted seminars in Software Engineering for industry in Southern California: Problem modeling, design and implementation, software cost estimation and control.

Current Activities and Recent Projects:


Director of Multimedia and Software Engineering laboratory.


Infrastructure for a wide area distributed crisis management system

The objective of the system is to provide web based infrastructure for optimal management of activities that take place in handling disasters  in a wide geographical area.  This was joint research and development with Operational Research center in Switzerland.


Interactive platform for producing temporary documents on demand

One of the strongest assets of HyperNet (described below) is precise cataloging of multimedia components within its world-wide distributed data bases and powerful search of that database for components satisfying a number of search criteria.  The objective of this project is to develop an efficient mechanism to create dynamic documents on demand that provide “executive” summary on a number of desired topics. 


Interactive support system for decision making and semi-automatic program assembly

This is an interactive system assisting users in domain analysis, formulation of domain and problem models, semi-automatically assembly of computational solutions to solve specified problems and to interactively execute the computational solution to obtain all information necessary for decision making.


A distributed software development environment

It is used for cataloging, searching and browsing of material associated with projects in a software development environment.  This project uses the world wide distributed multimedia system described below as the infrastructure.


HyperNet: A  world-wide distributed authoring and browsing system for the creation and navigation of multimedia documents

It was designed to provide a mechanism for very fast choreographing and configuration of hypermedia documents of arbitrary structure and content.  Its features enable a group of users scattered world-wide to compose hypermedia documents from components which exist in a set of world-wide distributed databases.  The system came into existence in 1990, well before the birth of the WWW.  It comprised world-wide protocol, a number of nodes in Europe, a world-wide distributed data base,  and a browser that supported graphics.  In the current version of the system the HyperNet browser has been replaced with popular browsers and the system supports both http and HNet (HyperNet) protocols.


Remote education platform

An interactive multimedia remote instructional system. Using this platforms instructors can browse through educational/problem materials and students can follow the material at their computers that can be distributed over a large geographical area.


Interactive image processing virtual laboratory

A virtual laboratory for computer graphics and image processing.  The laboratory is used by individual users working on particular topics or by groups of users as peers or under the supervision of instructors.  It was designed to be part of our Remote Education Platform for education in computer science.