Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182

Abstract-HyperNet is an authoring and browsing system facilitating creation and navigation of multimedia documents. It is conceived and designed to provide a mechanism for very fast choreographing and configurating of hypermedia documents. This system provides to the users a hypermedia integration and browsing envi­ ronment to document component databases distributed across the world, provided they have access to the Internet network and are valid HyperNet sites. The intention was for users to be able to search for and retrieve documents stored locally and/ or remotely, while the access mechanism being completely transparent. This system was implemented and tested with a suite of hypermedia document components which were distributed over southern California and Europe.


Each day we see more applications incorporating the hypertext paradigm originally conceived 45 years ago [I]. Interest for potential applications in hypertext and hypermedia documents are constantly increasing.

In current hypermedia and hypertext systems, there are two limitations that we wish to consider in this paper. First, hypertext systems * commonly support hypertext documents that have fixed organization and content. It is true that hypertext machines are in ex­ istence today. These are hypertext systems that enable users to create their own hypertext documents with predefined structure and arbitrary content [2]. How­ ever, there are not many systems that provide users with tools to routinely and rapidly design, choreograph, and assemble hypermedia documents with arbitrary structures and content.

Second, current systems do not provide features that enable a group of users, distributed worldwide, to compose hypermedia documents from components that exist in a worldwide distributed· database. Such need arises, for example, when a number of profes­ sionals are working cooperatively on a document, or in an international corporation when a number of people are assembling a business report. Typically, current hypertext and hypermedia documents are lo­ calized to either one computer or to one local area network environment.


HyperNet addresses both of these limitations. It is a hypertext system supporting creation, distribution, and browsing of hypermedia documents with links to remote document components. It is not intended as a tool to organize ideas and the creative process of an individual [3], but more as a vehicle for producing an environment for the cooperative creation and use of hypermedia documents within a group of people who

* Through the remainder of this document we will use the term hypertext to denote both hypertext and hypermedia documents, unless there is an explicit reason to differentiate.

are dispersed geographically. Furthermore, a large em­ phasis was made to design a system that would enable us, at some later stage, to introduce as much intelligence as possible in the process of browsing multimedia doc­ uments. The typical applications we envisage for the system is production of education materials, scenarios for TV programs, and software engineering develop­ ment. The last applications is a topic of a separate paper still in preparation [ 4 ] .

To meet these applications goals, HyperNet was conceived and designed with three objectives in mind:

  1. To supply a mechanism for rapid choreographing and configuring of hypermedia documents.
  2. To support cooperative authoring, editing, and browsing of hypermedia documents.
  3. To provide a working environment in which users and the hypermedia database is distributed world­ wide.

HyperNet is a hypermedia machine [2] in the sense that it is a tool to design, implement and browse mul­ timedia documents. It was built as an object-oriented system. A HyperNet multimedia document, in its cre­ ation, is defined over a space of document object classes. Each object class has clearly defined operations associated with it. A HyperNet document is then an assembly of components. Each component is an in­ stantiation of an object class. In browsing of the doc­ ument, a HyperNet window is created for each com­ ponent when a link to the component is activated. The content of the window is generated by processing (computing) the component in accordance with the operations associated with the underlying object class for that component. This computational processing is completely transparent to the users as they browse HyperNet documents.

In the current implementation, HyperNet supports the following functionality:

  1. Definition of architecture and content of hyper­ media documents.
  2. Creation of document components as instantiation of object classes.

  1. Integration of document components into hyper­ media documents.
  2. Storing of hypermedia document architecture and components into a worldwide distributed database.
  3. Search for and retrieval of hypermedia document definitions and their components. The search and retrieval capabilities are provided during both doc­ ument composition (integration) and its browsing. The search and retrieval activities are performed completely transparently to the user.
  4. Display hypermedia documents on any number of HyperNet screens simultaneously. These screens can also be distributed worldwide.
  5. Generation of global and local overview dia­ gram[3].
  6. Generation and maintenance of history maps and bookmarks [2] .


The functional architecture of the HyperNet is shown in Fig. 1. The figure also presents the process taking place in "production" and use ofa multimedia document. In this figure the document related infor­ mation is depicted using square boxes and the HyperNet processing tasks are depicted using circles.

The square box on the left in the figure, labeled as document script, represents the "source" or "pro­ grammed" format for a multimedia document. A doc­ ument script is a program for a hypermedia document. It comprises information encoding for the document content interlaced with markings specifying the archi­ tecture for the document, as well as the operations re­ quired to either compose or browse the document. These markings are statements in a language called Scripts. Scripts is the HyperNet "programming lan­ guage."

In fact, the functionality associated with the first HyperNet design objective from section 2 is based on Scripts, its compiler and its interpreter. The language Scripts is briefly described in section 3 of this paper.

Following Fig. I we see that a script for a hypermedia document, when completed, is processed by HyperNet document composer. This composer is a combination of the Scripts compiler and the document assembly task.

The composer configures the hypermedia document and produces the target encoding for the document called the document browse. The target format is suit­ able for interactive browsing of the document. It con­ tains content of the document together with the in­ formation about the architecture of the document. It also incorporates the linkages to all document com­ ponents (frames).

The function of the document composer is to:

  1. Break the document into frames.
  1. Establish links and anchors to these frames.
  2. Initiate storing offrames and the definition oflinks into HyperNet distributed data base.
  1. Search the HyperNet database to locate the c( ponents, which are required, but not included the document script.
  2. Integrate* these components into the documer
  3. Generate the global overall diagram for the do ment and the local diagrams for each compon "section. "

The document is now ready to be used, i.e., brow!

When a user initiates browse of a hypermedia do ment in HyperNet, the user can specify either an dividual or a group browse. A group browse can specified as unidirectional browse or bidirectio browse. If the user specifies a group browse, then the first frame (main panel) is displayed within a " dow on the user's screen, an iconic symbol will be c played on all screens corresponding to other U! within the group. The symbol is labeled with the na of the document and the user starting the browse. ] presentation purposes we will refer to the user start the browse as user A and any other users within group as user G.

Any user G can now open the icon if that user desl to participate in the cooperative browse. The user tl becomes an active user as far as browsing of that d ument is concerned. As a user G opens the icon, 1 situations can occur depending on whether the brOl is unidirectional or bidirectional.

In unidirectional browse, any user G can see 0 the frame user A selects. All users can edit the cum frame but only the user A can navigate from fram~ frame.

In bidirectional group browse, as a user G opens icon two windows appear on his/her screen, one w dow corresponds to the user A and displays the fra user A has selected. In the other window the same fra is displayed initially, but on that window user G ( browse as he / she wishes around the document. At same time, a new window, corresponding to that U! is opened on screens of already active users. These n windows display to all other users the content of· window under control of that user G. In other wor every active user has windows for all active memb

* It should be noted that remote components are not ~ essarily fetched during the composition of the document. So components may instead be fetched during the initial brows of the document at that location. During the compositior the document these components must be located and ine porated into the documents through links. Whether they l at that point, also fetched from remote locations storing th depends on the Scripts statement associated with their ine poration. If the immediate fetch during the composition the document is requested through the associated Scri statement, then copies for the components in question fetched and stored locally, and used in all subsequent brows of the document at that location until these copies are delet The deletion can be done either on a request by a user, automatically when the remote originals are modified. T strategy is used to ensure consistency of instances of docuffil components, and also to guarantee that whenever a documl is being browsed it only incorporates the last version of components.

A document script

A document browse

store and retrieve components

HyperNet Data Base

retrieve components

ofthe group including himself/herself. However, each user can navigate on only one window. In a bidirec­ tional browse in HyperNet, a group can have a max­ imum of four active users at anyone time.

The purpose of the group navigation is:

HyperNet implements two types of nodes, the win­ dow frame and leaf frame. The most common node is the window frame which is a scroll able window con­ taining plain text, HyperText, and/ or bitmap graphics. Anchors in a window frame may link to objects in other window frames or a leaf frame. A leaf frame contains an object that needs to be specially formatted to be displayed. Leafframes cannot have links to other frames. An example of a leafframe is a Postscript object that requires invocation of a postscript previewer to be displayed.

HyperNet has two basic types oflinks-explicit and implicit. Explicit links are links that are emphasized in such a way as to indicate to the browser that more information can be found on this topic. This infor­ mation may take the form of any of the available classes (plain text, HyperNet text, i.e., Scripts document pro­ gram, bitmaps, postscript segment, etc.), and upon ac­ tivation of the link the desired window frame or leaf frame will be displayed. The explicit links, which can be thought of as moving forward or outward, combined with the backup command, which steps back one frame, and history map allow the browser to navigate the document space. These links were established by

the author of the document and are embedded in the document. To minimize the visual clutter, HyperNet links do not distinguish between different destination classes, but if a single link provides more than one destination node, then a drop down menu will provide the user with a choice. Implicit links are links which allow the browser of a document to navigate the in­ formation space. That is the information space bounded by the complete HyperNet database. These links provide more information on a subject, but are not embedded within a HyperNet document as are the explicit links. Thus, the browser can choose any word or string in the document and do a search for more information on this topic. For example, if the word Peru was not emphasized, but chosen as a link, the HyperNet database will be searched for the keyword Peru, and the information found will be displayed for navigation. This may take the form of a definition, postscript picture of South America, or the latest busi­ ness activities occurring in Peru. Implicit links are im­ portant for the following reasons:

These last two points are very important because the author can never completely anticipate the audi­ ence's knowledge base or curiosities.

HyperNet was designed to have a two layer software architecture, as illustrated in Fig. 2. This architecture closely follows the one described by Campbell and Goodman [2, 7], as presented in Fig. 2a. The kernel ofthe HyperNet model, shown in Fig. 2b, is called the Catalog Server. It handles all the information storage,

retrieval, removal, and searching. The Catalog Server provides this functionally independent of where the objects are physically located in the HyperNet distrib­ uted database. Thus, making a transparent interface to the next layers. The HyperNet objects may be found either on the local machine, in the local database cache, or on a remote machine. The database cache was im­ plemented to increase the interactive performance of the system when objects are retrieved from remote machines. Thus, once an object has been retrieved from a remote machine, when the user moves to a different window frame and then returns back, on the next re­ quest for the object the Catalog Server will first search the cache and retrieve it from there.

The next two layers of the system are the Hypertext Abstract Machine (HAM) and user interface. At this time, HyperNet provides the functionality of both of these layers in the Composer and the Browser. As the system evolves we plan to move to a three layer model, allowing the VI to be interchangeable for different platforms.


Language for "programming" of hypermedia doc­ uments, Scripts, was designed to support the following tasks:

  1. Definition and production of hypermedia object classes.
  1. Instantiation of object classes into hypermedia doc­ ument components.
  2. Production of hypermedia document architecture and its content.
  3. Storing of these components into the HyperNet worldwide database.
  4. Incorporation of these components into a hyper­ media document, defining links effecting the in­ corporation, their types and the associated anchors.
  5. Requesting the search of the Hypertext database for document components. The search can be based on a number of parameters, like components names, their types, keywords, and other properties. In the case of multiple components resulting from

the search, a menu list of all components satisf) search will be incorporated into the document.

It is impossible to present the Scripts language

full in this paper. This is done in references [5, 6] this section we present only a brief description ofSer statements.

A Scripts hypermedia program is a sequence of' segments, graphics constructs, encodings of raster ages in different raster formats, encodings of audio: video components, interspersed with Scripts st ments. Alternatively, the actual text, graphics, au or video encodings, may be substituted with Scr statements referencing document components alre stored in HyperNet data base.

A Scripts statement has the following general Stl ture:

< < statement operation, operation paramet statement information content> >

Operations for Scripts statements are defined bel Operation parameters are specifiers for the docure component that is being defined or referenced with statement. They range from

Statement information content contains the encoC

for the content for a multimedia component. This f is present only in statements used either to produce modify an instantiation of a document object cl

This encoding can be ASCII encoding for a textual component, CGM encoding[9] for a graphical com­ ponent, or TIFF encoding [10] for a raster graphic im­ age, etc.

The current definition and implementation of Scripts language and the associated processors includes the following operations:

  1. HEADER-The first statement in a hypermedia program. It defines all attributes for the associated hypermedia document.
  2. SAVE-This statement will store the information content for a document component. This com­ mand will be used to store the hypermedia doc­ ument component for the first time only, i.e., to insert a multimedia component into the system.
  3. STORE-This operation is similar to the opera­ tion SA VE, except that it will return a link to the stored segment and place it within the hypermedia document structure at the location of STORE statement, i.e., the information within STORE statement is stored in the HyperNet database, and the link to the newly created component (infor­ mation) replaces the entire STORE command.
  4. MODIFY-The content of the information within the statement MODIFY will replace either the current content or modify attributes of a document component with the name as specified in the MODIFY statement. The segment can be any­ where within the distributed database, and the op­ eration will be executed only if the segment already exists.
  5. RETRIEVE-This statement will retrieve a doc­ ument component from HyperNet database and insert the content at the place of RETRIEVE statement.
  6. LINK-This statement will insert a link to the document component specified in the statement, and will also associate an anchor with the link.

7 . DISPLAY -This statement will affect the auto­ matic display of the component (frame) when that point is reached during the browse of a hypermedia document.

  1. REMOVE-This will remove a document com­ ponent from the HyperNet database.
  2. SEARCH-This statement, if desired, will affect a search of the entire HyperNet distributed data­ base for all documents that satisfy conditions specified by a relational expression of a set of key­ words or other kind of document component at­ tributes. This operation is performed at composing of a hypermedia document. The result is a hyper­ text menu type link.
  1. COMMENT-This statement is used to include remarks about other Scripts statements within a hypermedia documents program.
  2. OSACTION- This statement requests an action to be performed. It is used to associate computa­ tional actions or requests to operating system to object classes of document components. This

statement is heavily used when developing soft­ ware engineering environments using hypertext technology.


The first prototype of the system was designed and implemented by eight very enthusiastic students during a semester course in Software Engineering, Fall 1990. The first author, who was the course instructor, also acted as the project leader. The system is based on X windows and the TCP lIP network protocol. The im­ plementation environment consisted of a local area network of eight Sun Sparc I workstations that were connected to Internet network. However, during testing and demonstration of the HyperNet VAX computers running VMS supporting TCP lIP were also incorpo­ rated into the system. The system was demonstrated with components of the system running in computers located in Southern California and Europe. It took about 20 minutes to remotely load HyperNet software into computers in Europe. The system was used then to search the "whole" world for document components and incorporate them into a document using menu anchor-link types. The response of the system was amazing. It took a couple of minutes to search "the world," locate all desired document components, re­ trieve them, process them according to their object class, generate appropriate component frames, and get the document ready for browsing. However, one should note that the test was done at 10 p.m. California time and 7 a.m. European time. The load on Internet is small at that time.

The system is implemented in C. The second version of the system will be reimplemented in Ada. The cur­ rent implementation of the system supports the system as described in this paper, except for group bidirectional browsing. This functionality is currently being added into the system.

6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Principles of HyperNet, a hypertext machine for generation of hypermedia documents in a distributed environment were presented.

HyperNet is evolving. Research and development is underway to incorporate PC computers via NSF I Eth­ ernet link and via a serial deal up line. The support software on PCs will be Microsoft Windows 3.0. Two further related projects are underway. The first project is research into adding intelligent "user profile" based filters to HyperNet using Knowledge Based technology. The other project deals with incorporation of High Level Document Recognition for automatic incorpo­ ration of scanned documents into HyperNet and con­ verting of flat documents into HyperNet format [8].

Acknowledgements-We wish to express thanks to Tom AI­ katib, Holly Amstrong, Wade Blomgreen, Hoa Bui, M!tch Evans, Mark Hays, Larry Osburn, and Yezen Y ~una~-elght excellent students in the CS532, Software Engmeenng, Fall 1990, who designed and implemented the system as the course

project. They stayed in the lab and worked on the project more hours than they would be required to pass five courses.


  1. V. Bush, As we may think. Atlantic Monthly 176, 101­ 108 (1945).
  1. J. Nielsen, HyperText & HyperMedia. Academic Press, New York (1990).
  2. F. G. Halasz, Rejlections on NoteCards: Seven Issuesfor the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems. ACM Hy­ pertext '87, Nov. 13-15, Chapel Hill, NC.
  3. Nenad Marovac, A software engineering environment based on hypertext technology. (In preparation).
  4. L. Osburn et al .. Specification for a Distributed HyperText Authoring and Browsing System, Technical Report of

MultiMedia and Intelligent System Laboratory, SI CS- NNISL-02-91, San Diego State University ( 199

  1. N. Marovac and M. Hays, Scripts a programming guage for distributed multimedia documents. Tech Report of MultiMedia and Intelligent System LaboTll SDSU-CS-MMISL-03-91, San Diego State Univl (1991).
  2. B. Campbell and J. M. Goodman, HAM: A general pose hypertext abstract machine, Communications. ACM 31,856-861 (July 1988).
  3. N. Marovac, Document Recognition and DOCUI Structures, Proc. of Reconnaissance automatique de I Le Havre 18 Mai 1990, BIGRE, Mai (1990).
  4. L. R. Henderson and A. M. Mumford, The Com, Graphics Metafile. Butterworths, London (1990).
  5. Tagged Image File Format. Aldus Corporation, Se WA.