Publications and Conferences




UML based embedded documentation for semi-automatic software development, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 32, Issues 5 (sep. 2007).


UML, Modeling and Software Development Process, Published on CD but not presented at NHIBE 2007 5th International accepted for Conference NEW HORIZONS IN INDUSTRY, BUSINESS AND EDUCATION and Rhodes Island, Greece, 30-31 August 2007.


HyperModel – A Distributed Laboratory for Teaching of Object Oriented Modeling, iCEER 2004, International Conference on Engineering Education and Research ”Progress Through Partnership” Olomouc and Bouzov Castle, Czech Republic, June 27-30, 2004.


A Distributed Disaster Management System, The 2003 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, The 2003 International Multi-conferences in Computer Science, Las Vegas, June 2003.


with Norbert Harrer, Cooperative Image Processing in a World Wide Distributed Laboratory, METMBS’02, The 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, The 2002 International Multi-conferences in Computer Science, Las Vegas, June 2002.


Infrastructure for CRISIS-2000 - A Distributed Disaster Management System. Models, Methods and Decision Support for Management - Contributions to intelligent decision making, In Honour of Paul Stähly, Physica-Verlag Heidelberg 2001.


with Prof. Staehly: CRISIS-2000: A Decision Support System for Major Disasters. Operational Research 2000, Dressden, September 2000.


with Norbert Harrer, Virtual Laboratory for Image Processing, WebNet 99--World Conference on the WWW, Honolulu, Hawaii,1999.


Embedded Documentation for Semi-automatic Program Construction. ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1998.


Interactive Decision Support Platform. Invited Presentation, Vienna, June 1997.


Software Development Environment based on HyperNet, ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 22, No. 3, March 1997.


Environment for document recognition, Invited paper , published in a book on Document Structures and Editors, 1996.


HyperNet in computer science programs , Proc. of ED-MEDIA 95 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Graz, Austria, June 17-21, 1995.


with Ulrich Tueshaus, Modeling and decision making in Operational Research,  International Conference on Operational Research, Berlin, August 1994.


Multimedia based interactive platform for decision making, Invited talk, St Gallen, Switzerland, May 1994.


Modeling and semi-automatic program construction, Invited talk, Ulm, Germany, May 1994.


with Syd Logan and Roman Swiniarski, NetGen - Interactive Platform for Neural Network Simulation, World Congress on Neural Networks ’94.


Link associated computations in HyperNet,  The Computer Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, The British Computer Society 1994.


Guidelines for embedded SW documentation,  ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 19, No. 2, April 1994.


with Bayard E. Wynne, Lean management, group support, and hypermedia: A combination whose time has come ,  Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii 1993.


Principles of document  recognition.  Office Information Systems, ACM, December 1992.


Active links in HyperNet,  Technical Report of  Germany’s Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Ulm, Germany, FAW-TR-92015.


HyperNet in Software Engineering, Technical Report of MultiMedia and Intelligent System laboratory, SDSU-CS-MMISL-05-92, San Diego State University.


with Bayard E. Wynne, Dirk Solte and Roland Lohmiller, Hypermedia based group support system for lean management,  Technical Report of  Germany’s Research Institute forApplied Knowledge Processing, Ulm, Germany,FAW-TR-92014.


with Larry Osburn, HyperNet - A tool to choreograph world wide distributed hypermedia documents,  Computers & Graphics, Vol. 16, No. 2, Pergamon Press 1992.


Page Description Language INTERPRESS in Electronic Publishing Environment, Computer & Graphics, Vol. 15, No 3,  1991.


Document Structures and Document  Recognition,    Proc. of Reconnaissance automatique de l’ecrit,  Le Havre, May 18, 1990.


Page Description Languages -  Concepts and implications,  Invited  talk at Research Park Ulm - Germany, February  26,  1990;  also  INRIA - Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, April 12,1990;  also  Swiss Federal Polytechnic Loussane, April 17, 1990.


Page Description Language INTERPRESS, Publication Interne No. 540, IRISA – campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes Cedex, France, 4 April 1990.


Open architecture for Electronic Publishing Systems.   Electronic Publishing Conference,   London, June 1989.


PDL generators, decomposers and convertors,   PDL Implementors’ Forum, Los Angeles,  December 1-2, 1988.


Page description languages,  Concepts and Implementations.  In Workstation and Publication Systems, Springer-Verlag 1987.


Handling fonts in electronic publishing systems.  Computer & Graphics,  Vol. 11,No. 3, Pergamon Press 1987.


Page description languages.  Workstation and publication systems, London, October 1986 (Invited talk).


Considerations in generation of Interpress masters.   XNSIG (invited talk), Boston, May 13-14, 1986.


Architecture of application oriented systems using interactive computer graphics,  Computer & Graphics, Pergamon Press, 1985.


with W.S. Elliott, Interactive computer aided design using computer graphics,  Experience gained and observations made in the design and use of computer graphics in interactive computer aided design, Computers & Graphics, 1984.


A systematic approach to the design and implementation of a computer instruction set,  Computer Architecture News, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 1983.


Interprocess communication in distributed systems.  Proc. 3rd. International Computing Conference, June 1983, Santiago de Chile.


How to systematically design and implement a computer instruction set.  The Computer Buletin, British Computer Society, 1983.


On Interprocess interaction in distributed architectures.  Computer Architecture News,  Vol.  I 1, No.4, Sept. 1983.


Architectures of computer graphics subsystems.  South Western conference on Computer Graphics, CAD and CAM, San Diego, Dec. 1983.


Rotating bus as means for interprocess communication in distributed systems, The Computer Journal, 1982.


A network oriented information structure: networks, semantics and structures.  Computers and Graphics, Vol. 5, 11, 41-52.


with R.N. Horspool, An approach to the problem of de-translation of computer programs.  The Computer Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3.


Interprocess communication in distributed systems.  Invited paper at International IEEE Conference ICCC80, Port Chester, Oct. 1980.


Interactive Computer Aided 3D Engineering and Art Design,  Computer & Graphics,  Pergamon Press, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1979.


Micro-computers in Computer Science Programs,  The Computer Journal,  February 1980.


Micro-computers in Education and Research in Computer Science,  IEEE International Conference on Mini and Micro Computers, MIMI-79, Anaheim, Ca.


with Smith, B., Rotating bus as a packet switching medium,  Canadian Computer Conference, Quebec 1979.


Sieve method for real-time computer-aided extraction of multi-valued analog signals in the presence of noise.  IEEE Transaction on Computers, October 1978.


with W.S. Elliott, Network Oriented Language - A new approach to network design using interactive graphics.  Computers & Graphics,  Vol. 2, No. 1, Pergamon Press, 1977.


Micro Computer Communication - Toward a universal communication mechanism.  IEEE International Conference on Mini and Micro Computers, Montreal 1977.


The structure of the network definition language NEDLAN, Its use in defining networks in CAD using interactive computer graphics.  Computer & Graphics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1976.


Basic principles of the network oriented relational data base NOIS-1.  Canadian Computer Conference, Montreal, May 1976.


An efficient statistical algorithm for computer-aided separation of analog signals from noise in real time.  Canadian Mathematical Congress, New Bronswick, June 1976.


A network application relational data base.  ACM Computer Science Conference, Washington D.C., February 1975.


A method for defining general networks in CAD, using interactive computer graphics. The Computer Journal, Vol. 17, November 1974.


A single data-display structure: a new view on interactive computer graphics in CAD.  The Computer Journal, Vol. 16, May 1973.


A software system for network design.  Digest No: 1973/5 of the Colloquium of Interactive Graphics in Circuit Design, IEE, Savoy Place, London, 26th February, 1973.


Definition of networks.  Digest No: 1973/5 of the Colloquium on Interactive Graphics in Circuit Design, IEE, Savoy Place, London, 26th February, 1973.


Free space manager for the data-display structure in SYGNA,  9th European DECUS seminar, London, September 1973.

SYGNA - A complete software system for general network analysis using interactive computer graphics.  Proc. 8th European seminar, Strasbourg, September, 1972.


The sample-data systems with pulse width modulation; analysis and stability.  Automatika, April 1968. (Paper also presented at ETAN Conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 1968.


Digital computers, Tutorial paper.  Bilten u Brodogradnji,  (shipbuilding Journal), Croatia, 1968.


The data loggers and their application on ships, Tutorial paper presented at the 13th ETAN (Institution for Electronics, Telecommunication, Automation and Nuclear Engineering) conference on shipping, Zadar, Croatia, Summer 1965.


Other materials


RASK - The analog simulator of reactor kinetics.  The second student prize, November 1963.


The interface between the data-display structure and analysis routines in SYGNA.  Report 73/12 of the Network Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, London, June 1973.


The use of computers and interactive graphics for the design of general networks.  Ph.D. Thesis, London University, England.


Machine organization, assembly programming, and operating systems for Control Data Corporation 6000, 7000 and CYBER computer systems.  Department of Computer  Science, SUNY at Buffalo, Spring 1975.